East West Options in Shanghai predict Unleaded Gasoline could hit record highs
Released on: May 22, 2008, 12:37 am
Press Release Author: Chris Stevens
Industry: Financial
Press Release Summary: Analysts at East West Options in Shanghai predict Unleaded Gasoline could could hit record highs and go as high as 5-6 dollars in the next 6 months. Internationally people are looking at Crude being at 200 dollars within the next 6 months.
Press Release Body: Analysts at East West Options in Shanghai predict Unleaded Gasoline could could hit record highs and go as high as 5-6 dollars in the next 6 months. Internationally people are looking at Crude being at 200 dollars within the next 6 months. Current political tensions coupled with violence in oil producing nations are pushing the prices higher and higher. Other factors are that there is an ever increasing demand in China and India that does not seem to be slowing down. Supply just cannot meet demand and the oil producing countries are refusing to increase production 'They are keeping the prices as high as possible, why would they want to increase production and force the price down?' A senior strategist at East West Options was quoted as saying. He also said that 'Oil and its derivatives are a necessity not a luxury.'
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Contact Details: Chris Stevens 174 Fushan Road Shanghai P.R. China